Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ministry happens...

Today marks the start of our 6th week of programming here in Cortez. I’m excited for the groups that will be coming this afternoon and even more excited about the homeowners that they are going to bless this week. I was in Wal-Mart yesterday and ran into 12 homeowners who I either groups have painted their house in the past weeks or are going to paint their house in the upcoming weeks. We have only been here in Cortez for eight weeks and I’m seeing people all over the place that I know and am happy to visit with. It is wonderful to here the stories and the testimonies of how young people have helped out this community. Greg, the custodian at the First Assembly told me Friday that he was checking out at City Market and while talking to the cashier, learn that some youth painted a family members house just last week and they did such a good job of getting to know the family and ministering to the family. It’s not all about painting and doing the physical labor that touches people, though that is an important aspect of this ministry, I believe what is really important is about building the body of Christ up, building the relationships within the community, getting people out talking about what great things the Lord has done for each and every one of them. We don’t know who is watching these young people paint house; we don’t know who is listening to our conversations while on site. Ministry is happening all around us and we may not be aware of it. We are called to serve and be open to what Jesus wants to do through us. When we are open to the possibilities of ministry He can do wonderful things in a person’s life. No task is too small and no ministry site is to poor or to rich to minister to that individual. There are times we think that ministry can only happen to the poor, the lame, the sick, or the lowly, but I believe ministry can happen to those that are in need, even the people that can afford to buy paint, who can afford to hire someone to paint their house. Ministry happens in the heart and those who take the time to listen to someone else, to care for someone else, and to be a friend to someone else for a week is a minister. These homeowners are getting blessed by these youth and these youth are getting blessed by theses homeowners.

It has been great to witness the friendships and the bonds that come from people serving each other. I am so very glad that God has placed my in the place to be a witness of His grace and mercy throughout this summer. I have witnessed lives being changed, lives being turned over to God, friendships being made, barriers being broken down, and a reliance of God being made a priority for people. I have witness changes being made in my own character and my surrender to God and His will for my life. It has been a great summer and I am looking forward to what God is going to teach me, what He is going to show me, what He is going to give me in the next three weeks of ministry here in Cortez. But ministry doesn’t stop here, ministry keeps on happening wherever I may go, wherever these youth may wind up, where ever there is God in the midst of our hearts, ministry happens. God has been good to me and I’m so happy to serve Him in what ever capacity that He wants me too. My prayer is that we will be able to hear His voice guiding us and leading us in the direction that He has set for us.

Praise the Lord; I got to talk to Lee Ann yesterday. She called twice from Jamaica. The team got through with their mission aspect of the trip and is spending a couple of days on the beach relaxing and enjoying the ocean and each other. It was so good to hear her voice. I have missed sharing my day with her and listening her tell me how God has touched her life. I wasn’t aware that I could miss someone so much; I have come to rely on her and want to be in her life on a daily basis. Even though we talked only briefly she shared with me God’s plan for our life and the passion God has placed within her. She wants to build up the body of Christ through those people who are very passionate about the Lord. Whether it be working with locals bringing teams in for mission work, or by planting a new church where disciples can be developed so they can minister to friends and family, that is the way to build up the body of Christ. It is a wonderful thing to hear her say these things, because my passions have always been youth and mission work. I have no desire to be in the local church, leading a local church, preaching to the suburbia style church. My passion calls me into the mission field, to get my hands and feet dirty, to show the love of Christ through my work ethic and through my relationship building. Tony and Dan were talking about spiritual gifts Friday night and I believe I have service, hospitality, and administration as my top three. I believe these gifts that God has given me go hand and had with the calling He has placed in my life. I know that God is bigger than the church and ministry happens when we are willing to follow God and His will for our lives. I am so looking forward to partnering with Lee Ann, discussing our future together and being involved in ministry together. God has been so good to both of us and know I firmly believe God has brought us together to encourage one another, to pray for one another, to be a witness of and for each other, to love each other, to be in ministry together, and to love him though each other. I never thought something like this was even possible in my life. Thank you God for bringing Lee Ann and I together.

1 comment:

Livin' Mi Vida Loca said...

Drew...I love your blog. I started one of my own at I linked your page to mine!!!